• <rp id="0su05"></rp><rp id="0su05"></rp><cite id="0su05"></cite>

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        Anti-side Leakage Performance Tester
        T 042

        發布時間:2023-01-10 作者: 來源: 【字號:

        Product Introduction:

        Anti-side Leakage Performance Tester T 042 is a special instrument for measuring anti-side leakage performance of diapers. 

        Main performance:

        1.the instrument can automatically add liquid, precise control of the filling speed and amount of liquid

        2.The instrument is equipped with an observation platform, which can rotate 360° to facilitate rotating observation

        3. The instrument is equipped with timing device, indicating the observation time

        4.The instrument configuration can be moved paste board, easy to paste, fixed diapers

        5.The appearance of the instrument is simple and generous, easy to operate.

        Technical parameters:

        Add liquid volume:10mL

        Liquid flow rate:5mL/s

        Test plate Angle:45°

        Plate rotation Angle:360°

        Power supply:220V/50Hz

        Overall dimensions:L400mm×W250mm×H300mm

        Net weight:10kg

        Reference standard:

        GB/T 28004.1-2021《紙尿褲第1部分:嬰兒紙尿褲》

