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        Impurity Tester T 044

        發布時間:2023-01-10 作者: 來源: 【字號:

        Product Introduction:

        Impurity Tester T 044 is a special instrument for the determination of impurities in diapers.

        Main performance:

        1. The lighting device adopts planar luminescence, no ghost, uniform light.

        2. There are LED lights with adjustable illumination in the lighting device.

        3. The observation Angle of the plate is 30°, which is convenient for observation.

        4. The instrument is equipped with mobile high light glass plate, convenient for fixing diaper.

        5.The instrument is equipped with standard impurity chart.

        Technical parameters:

        Lighting range:0-8000lx

        Angle of observation plate:30°

        Overall dimensions:L540mm×W420mm×H300mm

        Power supply:220V/50Hz

        Net weight:10kg

        Reference standard:

        GB/T 28004.1-2021《紙尿褲第1部分:嬰兒紙尿褲》

        GB/T 28004.2-2021《紙尿褲第2部分:成人紙尿褲》
